Thursday, February 21, 2008

Body Weight 200 Workout

Today I will do Body Weight 200 exercise created by Well known author Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS Author, Turbulence Training

This guy knows his job. I learned lot of stuffs from him. Thanks Craig for changing my life. Well some one else is also changed my life but I am not going to talk about it. :D

Complete the Bodyweight 200, with no rest in between circuits. Do 2-3 circuits.

(30) Prisoner Squats
Stand with your hands behind your head, your chest out, and your elbows back. Sit back at your hips and bend your knees to lower your body as far as possible without losing the natural arch of your spine. Squeeze your glutes and push yourself back up to the starting position.

(30) Pushups
Assume the classic pushup position: legs straight, hands beneath your shoulders. Now brace your abs. Keeping your body rigid, lower yourself until your chest touches the floor. Then push back up until your arms are extended.

(10) Jumps
Dip down at the hips and knees and then explode up.

(10) Stability Ball Leg Curls
Lie on the floor with your calves on a Swiss ball and your arms at your sides. Squeeze your glutes to raise your hips off the floor so your body is in a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles. Pause for a second, then bend your legs to roll the ball toward your butt. Straighten your legs to roll the ball back out away from you, then lower your body to the floor.

(10) Stability Ball Jackknifes
Get into pushup position with the tops of your feet resting on a Swiss ball, your body forming a straight line from toes to shoulders. Keep your back straight as you contract your abs and roll the ball towards you.

(20) Step-Ups
Place one foot on a step and push down through your heel to lift your other leg up. Return to the starting position and finish all reps with one leg before switching legs and repeating the exercise.

(5) Pullups
Start from a full hang, hands shoulder-width apart, palms facing away from you. Pull your chin over the bar and then lower your body back down.

(30) Forward Lunges
From a standing position, take a large step forward with one leg. When your front thigh is parallel to the floor and your back knee is off the floor, hold for 1 second. Then return to the starting position and repeat with your other leg.

(20) Closelose-Grip Pushups
Do this as you would a standard pushup, but place your hands closer together and keep your elbows tucked in.

(15) Inverted Rows
Set a bar at hip height in a Smith machine or squat rack. Lie underneath the bar with your heels on the floor and grab the bar, your hands 1 or 2 inches more than shoulder-width apart. Keeping your body in a straight line, pull your chest up to the bar using your back muscles. Slowly lower yourself until your arms are straight.

(15) Prisoner Squats
Stand with your hands behind your head, your chest out, and your elbows back. Sit back at your hips and bend your knees to lower your body as far as possible without losing the natural arch of your spine. Squeeze your glutes and push yourself back up to the starting position.

(5) Chinups
Start from a full hang, hands shoulder-width apart, palms toward you. Pull your chin over the bar and then lower your body back down.

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